How to Use a Electric Bicycle 「English」

Preparations before Riding

(1) Unlock the bicycle key that matches the number.

Once the key is unlocked, leave the key on the bicycle (it cannot be removed). To lock the key, push the orange part of the key and move it (you can take out the key).

(2) Unlocking the stand

Kick the lock of the stand to open the lock. The lock of the stand sometimes malfunctions when you stop the bicycle. Please check.

(3) Adjusting the saddle 

Turn the lever to adjust the height. *Turn the lever to adjust the saddle height. Move it while twisting.

There is a limit to the length of the saddle. Please adjust it at the position where the limit line is not visible.

How to operate

(1) How to use the control panel

Be sure to press the power switch when the machine is stopped. Use the white triangle switch to change modes. There are three modes: Power Mode (approx. 3 hours/15 km), Automatic Mode (approx. 5 hours/20 km), or Eco Mode (approx. 8 hours/25 km). Eco mode is recommended for longer use.

Type A

Type B

(2) Gear adjustment 

There are three gears: “1 light gear,” “2 normal gear,” and “3 heavy gear. *It is not good to shift gears when weight is applied to the pedals, so please do not put force on the pedals when shifting gears!


(3) Brake

The right is the front brake and the left is the rear brake. Please note that the rear brake is made weaker than the front brake *Rear wheel is a roller brake


There is no charge for punctures, but you will be charged for repairs if you damage the bike on purpose. Please do not drive dangerously, such as jumping or drifting, as this is only for street riding.

Please return the bicycle to the same warehouse where you left it.

In case of emergency

If you have difficulty moving your bicycle, we will pick it up for an additional charge of 1,000 yen. Please let us know “return the key to the store” and “where you left the bicycle.”