Rental of SUPER SOCO TC 125㏄ electric motorcycle has been suspended.


We regret to inform you that today, August 18, 2024, a problem has occurred with the SUPER SOCO TC 125㏄ Electric Motorcycle.

At this time, we are temporarily suspending rentals due to the need for inspection or replacement of repaired parts.
We apologize for the inconvenience to our customers who were looking forward to a two-seater bike for their trip to Naoshima.
We have no plans to resume rentals, so all reservations made after today will be “Non-Rentalable”.
Customers who have already made reservations will not be able to use the bikes. Please contact us as soon as possible so that we can replace your reservation with one that we have in stock.

Please be assured that the other three types of electric bikes (50kw equivalent) will continue to be available for rental.