Campaign drink tickets at Ougiya rental Cycle


Hi, 👋 it’s been a while since I was posted in a few months ☺️ It’s getting hotter at the end of the rainy season, summer season is coming in august but Although the epidemic of the coronavirus has not yet shown signs of ending, to everyone who visits the town of Naoshima please keep safe, keep your social distance at least 1m between yourself and others when lining at the entrance and disinfect your hands at the entrance all of the facility here is alcohol disinfects are available.

We would like to inform you that We will give the Free drink promo ticket to our customers who rent a Bicycle / Motorcycles & cars in our shop at Ougiya Cycle Rental.

You can change it the Drink tickets inside at the Miyanoura terminal port at ougiya café.

Its already Starting on July 28, 2020.

Time limited 11:00am to 18:00pm

(Weekdays Only)

We only give

    Coffee (hot&cold)
  • Tea (hot&cold)
  • Juice (orange & apple juice).